通过本公司技术人员的精心研究,结合低噪环保的设计理念,为家用电梯和无机房电梯提供三大系列驱动解决方案:钢丝绳曳引式、钢带曳引式、强制驱动式。 “FAXI”凭借精美的外形、紧凑的结构和稳定的品质把控,以及及时周到的服务,受到国内多家知名电梯公司的青睐,并销往全球80多个国家和地区。
Through the careful research of the company's technical personnel, combined with the design concept of low noise and environmental protection, three series of driving solutions are provided for home-lifts and MRL lifts: wire rope traction machine, belt traction machine, and forced drive machine."FAXI" by virtue of exquisite appearance, compact structure and stable quality control, as well as timely and thoughtful service, by many well-known domestic elevator companies, and sold to more than 80 countries and regions.